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Professional Consultant

A desktop with laptop computer and a book where a professional has written mental health case notes

Helping County Behavioral Health and Community Based Mental Health Organizations achieve quality assurance and oversight 

in the implementation of CalAIM Medi-Cal requirements,  preparation for annual external quality review (DHCS),

and the development of Perfomance Improvement Projects which meet federal and state criteria. 

Located in San Francisco Bay Area, serving all of California.


  • Quality Improvement specialist and project manager in mental health

  • Practiced researcher, quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis.

  • Licensed Clinical therapist for adults and children. 

  • Deep and rich knowledge of industry, legalities, compliance and ethics relevant to Medi-Cal, CalAIM and funding from public, federal, county, and state agencies.

  • Skilled teacher and training developer. Able to mentor and guide others in translating CalAIM / Medi-Cal regulations into best practices which meet client and governing body needs.

Person writing on whiteboard

Strategic Guidance and CalAIM Implementation

Meeting table with professionals planning

Performance Improvement Project Planning

Professionals in training setting

Staff Training

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